What is creativity?

How can you be more creative?
Creativity is different for everyone. It comes naturally to
some, but others often have to seek inspiration to reach their full creative
potential. I believe that creativity is the centre of any art form so you have
to be inspired in order to create something worthwhile.
Where does it come from?
I believe creativity comes from people’s interpretations of
ideas and events, and their emotions towards them. Each individual will be
inspired by different concepts as they will look at things at different angles
because people’s experiences will determine their view of a subject. For example,
when talking about war, some may feel sadness and sympathy if they did not
participate in the war whereas others, who possibly were on the front line, may
feel anger and frustration.
What role does it play in creating a media production?
Creativity is a key role in creating any media product. Generally,
the more creative a product is, the more eye catching and intriguing it
becomes, therefore it is generally the most popular. People enjoy seeing
something different and unique, so by being creative and inspired when
producing a product will have large benefits. When creating a music video, being
able to decipher the right shot angles and types, along with the right costume and
location choice, all come under the category of creativity.
Robinson believes that education kills creativity. As to be
creative, you need to be prepared to get things wrong before producing the
final piece; however schools teach you, that being wrong is a bad thing. So therefore,
Ken Robinson believes, that the creative adults in society, are the ones who
have managed to surpass the idea of being wrong as a bad thing. He believes we
are all born as artists.
I think that the ‘how to guide’ does talk about some valuable
points on creativity, such as the idea of broadening your knowledge and
learning about new things. This can make an individual more creative as they
may find something that really inspires them, and it also enables them to engage
in conversations with people about new ideas. The idea of sleeping and exercise
I feel also helps to become creative, as this keeps the mind alert and healthy,
ensuring that you are able to think and create to the best of your ability.
However, I don’t think that daydreaming will necessarily help when creating
something, it doesn't just come out of the blue, and individual needs to have a
certain level of creative flair in order to produce a worthwhile product.
Nice post! But try to avoid long blocks of text. Add relevant images to break up the paragraphs.