Overall I believe this music video to be fairly redundant but with a few features of entropy. The scene images that we see throughout the video are redundant as they are city scenes which the majority of the public see on a daily basis, they are nothing out of the ordinary. With the school and kitchen scenes also playing a significant part in this video, this also gives off the redundant idea, as this is a typical everyday scene for children and adults worldwide.
The clothing the stars are featured in also is a redundant feature of the video. The clothes are not extravagant show clothes or anything out of what we typically see people in on a daily basis. The hoodies and baggy jeans are also typical of the clothing which we perceive people in the rap/r&b genre to be wearing.
An entropic feature of the video however, is the subtitles at the start of the video. This type of feature is normally associated with films and TV shows rather than music videos. It is not a dominant ideology that we link to a music video.
Another entropic part of the video is the adult’s heads on the children’s bodies. This links in with the title and lyrics of the song ‘opposite of adults’ but is not a common feature used in any form of media.
Linking on from the entropic ideas, another which is featured in the video, is the visual of a piano being played by one of the characters. This is fairly entropic of the rap/R&B genre as it is more closely linked with rock/indie genres to show their instruments being played within their music video.
The close ups of the lead singer however, is a redundant feature as this is commonly used in most music videos of any genre to highlight the main star. As he is singing throughout the video we are repeatedly shown close ups of him, which continue to perceive his importance in the video.
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